Xresolver: Xbox and PlayStation Resolver (Updated 2022)
It is a piece hard to safeguard the long username and Gamer labels so to defeat what is going on and to make it in the short IP locations of Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation the xResolver is everything place where you can manage so. An extraordinary advantage for a gamer is that xResolver produces a novel IP address that is not difficult to remember.
In this aide, I will show you how it functions and what are the elements.
What is xResolver?
Xresolver is an online stage that changes over Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation Gamertags and usernames into straightforward and short IP addresses.
As a matter of fact, the usernames are not difficult to track and it expanded the likelihood to be hacked by a few miscreants. So the main arrangement is to change the usernames and Gamertags in to some one of a kind structure that ought to be challenging to follow.
So xResolver tracks down the most effective way to safeguard the protection and information of the client from the programmers.
How to utilize the Xresolver?
There is no advanced science to utilize Xresolver. The specialists created and planned it in a manner so involving in any event, for a beginner is simple. In any case, on the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea how to utilize it then read the means beneath:
Go with the authority landing page “https://xresolver.com/”
At the left sidebar pick Xbox Resolver or PlayStation
Essentially enter your “Xbox Gamer tag” to produce a novel IP address or “IP address” to return into the Xbox gamer tag
Press the “Resolve” button and you have done!
The cycle to create a PlayStation username into a one of a kind IP address as well as the other way around is equivalent to above for Xbox Gamertag.
How to Blacklist and Remove Myself?
All things considered, to eliminate yourself from the xresolver server then don’t concern you can eliminate or conceal in a smooth manner. When you boycott yourself on it then nobody can track or hack you on the grounds that your IP and usernames will be deleted from xresolver information base server.
To safeguard your protection on the Microsoft and Sony’s administrations simply look at a few fundamental stages underneath to boycott or conceal IP:
Utilize a valid VPN to conceal your IP address. The VPN will change your ongoing movement to another geological area
Stay in contact with your ISP to change your IP address
Try not to join arbitrary gatherings and have no faith in anybody on irregular individuals since they will attempt to redirect you to take benefits
Never share your own data like IP address, Games labels, or Usernames with anybody
Enlistment cycle to open full access on Xresolver?
To deal with Xresolver, read the means beneath:
.Visit the authority site “https://xresolver.com/”
.Click the “Register” button on the upper right corner of the landing page
.Enter the Username, Email address, and Password,
.Retype your secret phrase to affirm the secret key and press the Register button
In the event that you are enrolled on the server as of now, basically click login then enter your username and secret key.
About Xresolver
xResolver site was made in 2017 that works for 2 different names, “Xbox” and “PlayStation.” xResolver has not just the capacity to change the Xbox or PlayStation usernames or gamer labels rather it has additionally different elements, for example, IP Logger, PSN Username, IP Storage, IP checker, Phone Lookup, and Nmap Port Scan.
As per the most recent information assortment, the xResolver has:
Enlisted Users: 241,586
Live Users: 1,168
Data set Count: 24,735,431.
Disclaimer: This content is only for instructive purposes.
FAQs about xResolver
What is xResolver?
Xresolver is an internet based site page extraordinarily intended to change over Microsoft’s Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation Gamertags and usernames into one of a kind IPs configuration to safeguard the movement on the server.
Is Xresolver Illegal?
Your IP address can be followed by some specialized hacking devices yet xResolver conceals your IP address from the aggressors. So in such manner, it is the best way to safeguard your association on the web for the game.