
Hurricane Hunter IPA by Mike’s Weather Page

Mike’s Weather Page is a weather website that was established by Mike Boylan in 2004. The website has a variety of information about local and global weather. It also has a section on the latest forecasts. Mike has a very unique way of making weather information available to the public, so he’s a great resource for people interested in the weather.

• Hurricane Hunter IPA is a popular beer

Hurricane Hunter IPA is a collaboration between Mikes Weather Page and Big Storm Brewing Company. The beer is named after Mikes weather dog Hunter, and features tropical hops with malt balance and a crisp, clean finish. The beer is not available in all states, but you can follow Big Storm Brewing Company to get notifications when it becomes available in your area.

Named after the Hurricane Hunter Air Force plane that flies directly into hurricanes, the Hunter Hurricane Hunter is a tropical version of New England IPA. Its aromas and flavors are a mix of citrus, tropical fruits, lemon, and orange. It also has a low bitterness and is perfect for summertime.

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